Intramural Sports

Intramural sports offer students opportunities to meet new people with similar interests as well as compete against each other in a fun, safe environment. We offer sports including indoor soccer, basketball, volleyball, wiffleball, and flag football, just to name a few. It is free for students to play. Leagues are offered multiple days of the week. We welcome all skill levels–whether you used to be a star high school athlete, or just a beginner. Also, for those who may want to hone a skill, we are looking for sports enthused students to join our IM staff to be officials for league games.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].
We currently use the platform DoSportsEasy (DSE) to schedule, register, and coordinate our Intramural programming. Visit DSE at the link below to see the current sport offerings and to receive notifications about upcoming tournaments and or leagues. You must have a DSE account to participate in intramural sports.
Our intramural sports program focuses on providing the best and most enjoyable experiences for students interested in recreational sports. To maintain smooth functioning of the department and tournaments organized by the department, we request all the participants to adhere to the following policies set forth.
- General Policies
- Wear appropriate clothing that does not restrict movement while participating in events. This would include wearing proper closed-toe shoes.
- When the sport you are participating in requires female participants, it is MANDATORY that the teams accommodate the required number of female participants.
- Jewelry is not permitted in any sport. Medical bracelets or religious items are permitted; however, the individual must take care that they do not hurt someone before, during, or after participating on the tournament day. Should a participant be found wearing unauthorized jewelry, the individual will be asked to step outside the arena and remove all forms of jewelry before they can join the team for the game.
- Uniforms: Campus Recreation will provide bibs to the participating teams when appropriate. All campus bibs must be returned. No exceptions will be made. However, teams are allowed to bring their own jerseys/shirts provided they are permanently (no tape, self-written, modified) numbered 0-99. All teams must wear the same jersey color while participating in Intramural Sports.
- Forfeits: Teams that do not appear within the scheduled game time (or have less than the minimum number of players for the sport within 5 minutes of the scheduled start time) will receive a Forfeit (loss). A team that has two or more forfeits will automatically be disqualified from the league.
- Defaults: Captains may avoid a Forfeit by contacting Nirav Muthiyan at (862) 394-9201 or [email protected] no later than 2:00PM on the day of the game. All weekend Defaults must be called in by 2:00PM on Friday. All Defaults are final, no matter the circumstances. When a team captain chooses to Default, the decision will not be rescinded for any reason.
- Rescheduled Games: Teams requesting rescheduling must contact Nirav Muthiyan at least 48 hours before the scheduled game date and time. The game will be rescheduled if both team captains and the IM staff mutually agree on a new game date and time. If all parties cannot agree upon a new game date and time or are unavailable, the team who requested the schedule will receive a Default (loss), and the opponent will receive a win.
- Postponements &Cancellations: Unfortunately, due to inclement weather conditions and facility and scheduling limitations, there are no guarantees regarding the number of games each team will play. The Department of Intramural Sports will attempt to notify the teams of all postponed and canceled games by 5:00PM the day of the scheduled game. We also strongly urge teams to monitor the DSE platforms regularly for announcements regarding the same. Always assume games will be played unless told otherwise.
- Protest
Protests are restricted to matters of rule interpretation or participant eligibility.
1. Rule Interpretation: Officials incorrectly enforced a rule
- The team captain must make any protest involving rule(s) interpretation to the officials when the question is raised before the next live ball. If the protest is not registered at this time and play resumes, the protest will not be valid. The error must be identified before the next dead ball.
- If there is a valid protest, the officials will be responsible for notifying the supervisor at the time of the protest. He/She will record all pertinent game information on the protest form and make a ruling.
- Judgement calls (fouls, penalties) of an official cannot be protested.
2. Participant Eligibility:
- Written Protests concerning participant eligibility must be made by the team captain before, during, or after the contest until 5:00PM the next business day following the incident.
- Should the Intramural Sports staff detect participant eligibility violations not protested by a team or individual, appropriate actions will be initiated. This will potentially involve forfeiting contests in which the ineligible individual(s) participated.
- Upheld participant eligibility protests will result in the guilty team or individual forfeiting the game.
- Equipment
In most cases, the Office of Campus Recreation provides the essential equipment to participate in Intramural Sports. The game ball will be furnished for teams to play with; however, it cannot be used to warm up. Teams must provide their own team ball to warm up with. If equipment needs to be rented (for example: tennis rackets, balls, etc.), participants are encouraged to read the rules for each sport to get the specific information for those items. Each team can send a team member to the Supervisor to receive jerseys (when necessary) in exchange for a World. At the end of the game, the participant is responsible for collecting all equipment issued to the team and returning it to the Supervisor. The person who checked out the equipment will be responsible for all lost, damaged, or stolen equipment and will be charged for the item if it cannot be located.
- Alcohol and Drug Policy
Using the Code of Student Conduct, students will not be permitted to participate in Intramural Sports while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Students will be fully dealt with by university policy and local and federal laws if suspected of being under the influence while participating in Intramural Sports. The GW Police Department, along with Student Rights & Responsibilities, will be notified in all such cases. Spectators will also adhere to this policy.
- ID Policy
To participate in any intramural contest, all individuals must present a valid GWorld card at the time of the contest and must be on the IM Leagues (on DSE) team roster before participating. No other forms of identification will be accepted. The George Washington University requires all students to present a GWorld card to any University official or agent in the normal conduct of university business or service. Any participant caught fraudulently using a GWorld will be dropped from all Intramural Sports activities. Any participant guilty of giving consent to commit this fraud will be dropped from all Intramural Sports activities. In both cases, the individuals involved will meet with the Assistant Director.
- Gender and Divisions of Play
Intramural Sports recognizes and encourages the GW transgender student population and enables students to participate in divisions based on their gender identity. Individuals who identify as Male may participate in the Men’s division and are not permitted to participate in the Women’s division. Individuals who identify as Female may participate in the Women’s division as well as the Men’s division if there is no Women’s division for that sport.
- Registration
Registration will be done through Do Sports Easy (DSE). Instructions for registering can be found at the Campus Recreation desk on the second floor. Free Agents Individuals who want to participate in a team sport activity but are not affiliated with any team may sign up as a Free Agent on DSE for the sport they wish to play. Free Agents are not guaranteed to be placed on a team. We encourage Free Agents to ask friends, classmates, roommates, dorm mates, etc., to play, as this will result in a higher chance of forming a team.
- Entry Fees
In most of our leagues and tournaments, there is no cost to participate in our program. However, Campus Recreation reserves the right to change entry fee policies and procedures at any time and will give participants as much notice as possible.
- Level of Competition
The following divisions may be offered:
- Men’s independent
- Fraternity
- Women’s independent
- Sorority
- Co-Rec (Men and Women)
These divisions are designed to allow participants to compete against others of similar skill levels. League format in most sports will be conducted as four-week seasons (Depending on the number of teams and participants). After the regular season, playoffs will be held between all eligible teams to determine a league champion. There will be some team sports tournaments scheduled as single or double-elimination tournaments. Teams that register to participate in any league must be available whenever the league is scheduled.
- Team Schedules
Participants and team captains are responsible for obtaining schedules and all information. Campus Recreation staff members are instructed not to supply information regarding intramural game times over the phone or via email. The Campus Recreation staff assumes no responsibility if participants receive information over the phone or via email. Schedules will be posted on DSE and, when appropriate, from Intramural Supervisors at the game site. Playoff schedules are posted near the conclusion of the regular season in bracket format, indicating dates, times, and matchups for the entire tournament within each league. The brackets will be posted on DSE.
- Team Captains
Those desiring to participate in a team sport are urged to select a responsible group member to serve as the team captain. It is also recommended that a co-captain be selected to represent the team when the captain is not present. Both individuals will liaise between the team and the Intramural Sports program. Duties of the team captain include but are not limited to:
- Making sure your team knows the scheduled game and time of play.
- Reading all playing rules for the sport.
- Checking the eligibility of their teammates.
- Ensuring proper conduct of all participants, coaches, and spectators.
- Rosters
Participants may only play for one gender-specific team per sport. Once an individual plays for one team, that individual is bound to that team for the remainder of that sports season. If an individual plays for more than one team, the individual will be suspended from all Intramural Sports activity and must meet with the Assistant Director. Participants will ONLY be allowed to play on two teams in the same sport if they play for one gender-specific team and one Co-Rec team. For a participant to participate in an Intramural Sports contest, he or she must be registered on the DSE roster. Participants can register for the team at the game site, but anyone not on the roster will not be allowed to play.
- Disqualification & Ejection
It is important to understand the difference between disqualification and ejection:
Disqualification - The participant can no longer participate in that game but may participate in any future games. These participants do not need to seek reinstatement. Examples: fouling out in basketball and illegally secured flag belts in football.
Ejection - The participant has been removed from the contest due to excessive violation(s) of the prescribed rules. Participant cannot return and is suspended indefinitely from the program pending reinstatement from the Assistant Director.
- Suspensions & Ejections
Persons ejected from a game by a supervisor or official must leave the facility immediately. Failure to leave will result in the team receiving additional penalties, which may include the game being forfeited by officials or supervisors. In addition, the Supervisors have the right to call GW Police to have the participant escorted from the facility.
- Fighting
Under the Code of Student Conduct, the act of verbal or physical abuse is prohibited. This will be the basis of what is defined as fighting. Any participant found to be involved in, starting, or inciting a fight is subject to a ONE ACADEMIC YEAR suspension. Participants are discouraged from entering a violent situation no matter how peaceful their intentions may be. Participants who leave the bench to enter any violent situation will be subject to ejections and suspensions. Any spectator or coach will be referred to Judicial Rights & Responsibilities.
- Playoffs
At the end of team sport leagues, there will usually be a single-elimination tournament. Teams should be aware that during the playoffs you will play games on different nights or days than you are used to playing. It is nearly impossible to accommodate day and time requests during the playoffs, so teams should be prepared to play on any day or time of the tournament. GW Intramural Sports will use DSE for the scheduling of all playoff contests. Team captains are responsible for checking when their next games are scheduled. **Intramural Sports reserves the right, due to facility space or time restrictions, to change tournament format at any time. **
- Awards
The Department of Campus Recreation will provide various awards to teams who excel in the Intramural Sports program.
Championship T-Shirts: The champions of each sport/event will receive an IM Champion T-Shirt and have their picture posted on the Campus Recreation Instagram page. Shirts will be given out at the Championship game or to the winning team after the game at some point. Teams will only receive shirts for the participants on the court and checked into a game. Shirts will not be given to participants who did not play on the team.
Kenneth Pikus Cup & Sorority Cup: The Department of Campus Recreation annually presents awards to the fraternity & sorority that accumulate the most points in the Intramural Sports program during the academic year. Organizations receive participation points for individuals entered in individual and dual sports and team competitions.
- Head Injury Protocol
This protocol recognizes the importance of identifying concussion-like symptoms displayed by intramural sports participants and responding with appropriate steps: initial assessment, involving EMS appropriately, and properly documenting observed concussion-like symptoms.
- Concussion Management
Any intramural participant who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion will be immediately removed from play. If the intramural participant demonstrates concussion-like symptoms during the initial assessment or loses consciousness for any period the Intramural Sports Supervisor will radio the Manager on duty to activate the EMS system. The intramural participant may not return to play in any Intramural Sports activity for the remainder of the day if the participant demonstrates concussion-like symptoms during the initial assessment or if the participant loses consciousness for any period.
Leagues are listed in order of start date. For more information, visit our registration page or email [email protected]. Intramural Sports are free for all GW students.
- Basketball
Shoot your shot with Intramural Basketball! We play Sunday, Monday, and
Thursday evenings on the 4th floor of the Learner beginning Sunday, January 26th! Teams of at least 5 players can sign up for our Men’s, Women’s, Co-Rec, or Fraternity leagues on DSE, but hurry because registration closes Jan. 22 and spots are limited!Registration Opens: January 13
Registration Ends: January 22
League Starts: January 26- Mario Kart Tournament
Join us for the GW Intramural Mario-Kart Tournament hosted on our Nintendo Switch at the Lerner Health and Wellness Center. All equipment is provided.
Registration Starts: January 20
Registration Ends: January 28
Tournament Day: February 1- Table Tennis
Registration Starts: February 10
Registration Ends: February 18
Tournament Day: February 22- Futsal
Registration Opens: February 10
Registration Ends: February 19
League Starts: February 23- FIFA Tournament
Registration Starts: March 3
Registration Ends: March 18
Tournament day: March 22- Volleyball
Registration Starts: March 17
Registration Ends: March 26
League Starts: March 30- Pickleball
Registration Starts: March 24
Registration Ends: April 1
League Starts: April 5- Laser Tag
Registration Starts: April 14
Registration Ends: April 22
League Starts: April 26