Report an Incident


Upon receiving a report, we will respond as appropriate.

 The following are characteristics of a helpful incident report:

Include the basics.Date, time, location, etc. Any information (including names of individuals or organizations) of those who are present and their role (witness, respondent, etc.) is helpful.
Be specific and impartial in your language.For example, instead of saying that someone was "rude" or "aggressive," it's more effective to describe the behaviors, such as "George raised their voice to a level that led me to back up. George followed me, moving within six inches of my body."
Avoid overstating what occurred or expressing certainty when you do not have it.For example, if you are reporting the number of people in a location, rather than saying, "There were like 50 people there," it's better to state, "I counted at least 30 different people."
Screenshots, photos, email or chat threads, and videos are helpful, especially when they include context.

For example, if providing a video, it's helpful to add, "I [insert name] am recording this video on February 29, 2020 at 1234 Z Street, NW."

Generally, CESA will not make use of and may report recordings that appear to have been obtained in violation of GW policy or law. If you wish to document such an incident, we advise that you use a written description, including such details as what was said by whom.  If you are attempting to document a level of noise, options include using a noise meter phone app to document the noise level or describing the noise level (e.g. "I could hear the noise two dwellings away with my doors and windows shut.")

Please note that students named in the report have the right to view the report. For this reason, keeping focused on the events that occurred and the facts of the case is helpful.

Other Reporting Options